Toy Review: SH Figuarts Masked Rider Kuuga Ultimate Rising Form
The epitome of all of Kuuga's evolution - the Ultimate Rising form. Ultimate Rising is badass in every sense of it - like if Kuuga was in Dragon Ball, this is type Kai, the final transformation. For history's sake, Ultimate Rising made its debut on Kamen Rider Decade series, particularly on the last episode (or movie) wherein Yuusuke was possessed by Tsukasa's (Decade) younger sister and eventually able to wield the form on his own.
When I saw this form for the first time, I thought there's another transformation? Then I jumped in excitement like a little school girl.
This SH Figuarts Kuuga Ultimate Rising form at my first glance was a sight to behold. There are more thorns or horns protruding in almost every part of the figure, colored in gold - shining, shimmering, splendid. I got through the details of the golden arms, shoulder pads and horns on the helmet...I thought there is something lacking. Slowly, the gold paint was too much for me. In my opinion the vein-like design over those gold parts should have some sort of variety in color. It was a shame (well shame is a rough word), it didn't stand out and found that it was there until you actually have taken hold of it. Customizing it may be a solution.
But I was told on my Youtube channel that customizing the figure may ruin the figure. I agreed, because first, this is an exclusive figure so getting a new one just in case is cumbersome and expensive. Second customizing it doesn't guarantee that the finished product may not be what you wanted (well it depends). To each his own. Still, too much gold on this figure bothers me.
He has 7 interchangeable hands and a Tamashii Stage. The stage looks very plain in black. Bandai could have added some phrases (like SHF Ixa) from the show or a design that would signify that this is definitely exclusive for Kuuga UR. The dark compound eyes are very well done, dark enough to let you see the design underneath without ruining the whole concept of a devilish Kuuga.
Articulation on Kuuga UR are limited, because of those huge shoulder pads and thorny arms. It was difficult for me to maximize the potential of figure when I was taking photos and posing it to my liking. Only the head satisfied my appetite (this sounds wrong). Worst part is that when standing the figure straight, it is on a limp, he is tilting on his right side. I tried moving its legs to get it upright, but no senor.
Bandai is tricking us by producing the same figure, number of hands and other exclusive stuff with another Ultimate Rising - but with Red Eyes. They could have done the same with Ultimate form wherein aficionados are given an additional interchangeable mask all in one box. As a Kuuga fan, I'm in this dilemma whether I need to get the Red Eyes or not. But the concept of it is absolutely ridiculous. Again, to each his own. I already a little under satisfied how UR panned out. I won't fall for it twice. One is enough. Can I not reiterate it more?
In the end, you might get too excited on a figure that maybe be awesome. I'd rather hold back that feeling first until you've gotten it. Just don't get expectations so high.
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