This is my review of the SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Hercus from the Kabuto movie God Speed Love. Getting these old figures were an easy target because they have been abundant in almost most of the auction sites and japan online stores. On my Youtube channel my review for this was also quick because there is not a lot to talk about Hercus a figure. But still, while I am waiting for the new figures to arrive, let me get a whack on this two-year old figure.
Its box design is provides a familiar face to the long-time SHF collector. Enveloped in a grey shinny finish with modest black letters to cap it off. On the back are pictures of different poses and a watermark that says Masked Rider Hercus. The monicker Masked Rider used instead of Kamen Rider was optimally used to engage customers not only in local Japan but it was Bandai's effort to capture audiences across the globe. And they have successfully done it thanks to youtube reviewers such as your truly.
As the silver is its color motif, this paint apps transcends from its rider to its known accessories. They are not many. The modest number of accessories count is 6, namely a Kunai Gun - a silver gun molded from Kabuto, a pair of open and holding hands (I would describe them as trigger hands) and his own Zecter to be pegged on his right arm. Just like its SHF Kabuto predecessors I had no issues on its joints and articulation since as mentioned molded from Kabuto. Thank God it didn't inherit the bow-leggedness from others.
I would say as a whole that amongst God Speed Love movie riders, this is probably the safest moldreleased. Downside is that it feels incomplete if you don't have the other two Kabuto movie riders in your plate. More of this review from my Youtube channel below.
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