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Friday, March 18, 2011

Rumors Circulate a Female Kamen Rider in OOO

Riho/Hina a Kamen Rider?

Fans of different sexes debate of how to categorize a Female Kamen Rider or who is really the first female rider. There is another one to debate on. According to fellow toku bloggers Gideon and Jefusion - Hina Izumi (Unhk's host sister)will become the 8th kamen rider in the franchise just like Femme (sorry she is only one I recall at this moment).

From a similar post in 2ch - the TV station that airs Kamen Rider series (just in case you don't know)it is rumored that Hina will become a Kamen Rider either in the series, summer movie or the series' hyper battle video. Her medals are Hyacinth, Carnation and Tulip Core Medals. So she will be called Kamen Rider HiCaTu - fine :P.

Well at least there are more female kamen riders coming into play, maybe someday we will see a female kamen rider as the main character...calling 2ch. LOL.


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