
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Illegal Downloading of Content Stricter in Japan

Japan is one of the countries very vigilant in preventing illegal uploading of copyrighted content over the web. Now, it is also illegal to download these pirated copies. The House of Councillors' bill to prevent users to download these illegal digital content has been approved and will commence starting October 1st.

The approval for this bill has been voted by 233 out of 242 from the Diet's members and was passed on to passed the Diet's House of Representatives last June 15th. The law also states that it is also banned the ripping on these contents like in CDs or DVDs.

If caught, the user will be jailed up to two years or fined up to 2 million Yen. Today, Japan's government is running a campaign to teach minors the importance of this law to strengthen prevention of downloading illegally. 

Source: ANN,  Hachima Kikō

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