
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Toy Review: S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Wizard Hurricane Dragon

The S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Wizard Hurricane Dragon represents the upgraded form of Hurricane Style that is augmented with WizarDragon's power. With this, the figure has some attributes of Flame Dragon with parts augmented to match with the other Dragon forms. Aside from the green color are the triangular gems on the head, chest and shoulders keeping up with the overall theme.

Extra parts include 10 hands, a WizarDriver and the Wizard Sword Gun in two kinds of modes. The weapons still continue to have the same open hand gimmick, providing the same experience as other Wizard releases. The biggest gimmick is a pair of Dragon Wings integrated with a back panel connector to latch on the figure. It is simple to attach this on the figure by just replacing back parts and with the Dragon Wing. The Wings have three segments of joints allowing more poseabilities on Hurricane Dragon.

The green gem cuts on Hurricane Dragon makes this figure slimmer and somewhat proportionate. Thing is, after a few leg movements, the joints become more and more loose showing the true quality of the figure. But overall, the execution looks clean and has enough parts to work with. If not for the wings, this Tamashii Web exclusive will be harder to swallow for most Kamen Rider S.H. Figuarts collectors. More to this from the video review below.


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