Extra Extra Extra!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Toy Review: Combo Change Series (OCC) Birth

I accidentally picked up OCC Birth just as I accidentally picked up OCC Latorata. I skipped a lot of OCCs just because I'm collecting SHFs and picking up SICs, OCCs and SHFs all together would really eat up my space. Enough about my dilemma, lets get it on with Birth.

Impressively, he is actually poseable and has some unexpected hinges and pivot points that makes Birth likable. The only difference between this OCC and the expected coming of its SHF counterpart is that there are no neck joints, ball-jointed shoulders and torso/waist articulation.

OCC Birth is well armed and ready for some action. There are six Birth extensions cum weapons - the Drill Arm, Crane Arm, Shovel Arm, Breast Cannon, Wing Cutter and the Catepillar Legs (yes it spells as "Cate"). The sculpt for these accessories are fair but they lack color as each weapons comes only in two-tone.

As we hope for, these six armaments combine and interlock together - keys locked, dynopherms connected intercells up, megathrusters are go! ooops wrong attribution. Moving on, yes they all form into one huge scorpion, and the kind that is on our side - finally. The interlocking joints when they become one, is stable son of a gun. The scorpion is not as massive as the one we see on the show but good looking nonetheless. Lastly on Birth are two kinds of Birth Busters - again great looking guns but always lack in color.

The only thing I hoped for to make this figure without a doubt worth getting is having more color. I see no major complaints on its QC, but if only Bandai would let this give more paint, it would make SHFs loyalist at least give this figure a second look, just once to see the magnificence of OCC Birth.


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