Extra Extra Extra!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Toy Review: SIC Kiwami Tamashii Agito Trinity Form

I think I'm on the right track in purchasing SIC Kiwamis since my whole Kamen Rider collection is growing but my shelf space is getting thin. Besides a re-imagined chibi figure, collecting these are enough to satisfy my imagination of a Kamen Rider war in all shapes and sizes. The latest addition to this is my new haul the S.I.C. Kiwami Tamashii Agito Trinity Form.

Though it is thought that this is just a remold of the SIC KT Agito Ground form, there are more than meets the eye. Did I just referenced Transformers? Trinity is a combined strength of Flame, Storm and Ground Form evident on his chest and arms.

From a distance, he actually is the most colourful among the batch of Kiwamis that were released prior to this and it is a gem of its own. His shoulders are painted in metallic red and blue respectively to signify which side is flame and storm. However underneath that elegant mold, it seems like the actual shoulders are thinner like it came from a bad polio (my apologies who are of the same, but I couldn't think of any syllogisms as of this post - you can help me out if you want). Honestly, he stands more regal than Ground form (he should be right?)

Agito is well-received with two holding and a pair of open hands. There is also the Flame Storm and the Storm Halberd. Unlike its SHF counterpart, the SIC Kiwami offering has more exotic details on the weapons. For me this is neato and actually looks more classic than the original rider. Thinking about it, the mold for the weapons and the hands is a synergy of both rock and bones mashed up together to make Agito Trinty more aggressive-looking. To add, the holding hands are a good fit to the SIC KT Machine Tornador.

The horns function the same as Ground Form so there is no additional magic to it. Therefore the horns are again tilted on one side, but this is the only thing that is unbalanced or proportionate with this figure.

If you are into re-imagined Kamen Rider figures, this is a one to keep. Articulation is highly appreciated and poseabilities are endless. Just one thing though, I had one of his default fist hand broken and I slightly amended it. Such as shame. 







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