Extra Extra Extra!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Toy Review: SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Kaixa

Can I not stress further that I am a Kamen Rider Faiz fan? That's is why I didn't hesitate in getting my own Sh Figuart Kamen Rider Kaixa. SH Figuarts Kaixa is the 4th 555 figure that was released in 2011. It's user, Masato Kusaka which was actually the second person to wield Smart Brain's Kamen Rider device. First know user was Kouta Takamiya but eventually killed by the device since he ran out of Orphenoc DNA.

Honestly, this pessimistic hero is my least fave secondary rider to date. He is more nagging that my mother. LOL.


SHF Kaixa includes three extra variations of the Kaixa Driver - one without the phone, another without the mission memory and lastly is on Exceed Charge mode. Although we have the Kaixa phone in gun mode, surprisingly there is no phone mode (a little bit of consistency here please?). There are 6 extra hands including the hand holding the Kaixa Shot. I disliked the Kaixa Shot very much as it is the first time in my SHF experience that Bandai didn't hit the spot on the color. Should have been in a different shade of grey.

There are two kinds of the Kaixa pointer. Just like Faiz, one is placed on the belt and the other is for his leg which he performs his final attack. The Kaixa Pointer for his leg has a swivel and I feel it was unnecessary since it lies above the ankle. Both pointers look ok but these could have been more dramatic if Bandai painted lines to show the mold more especially on the ends of the pointer.

The highlight of slew of accessories is the Kaixa Blaygun which comes again in two forms - one with the sling which you can attach on his belt and the melee/gun mode. Playable Blaygun can transform from gun to sword mode with such ease - just switch the blade and the scope and you are set.

I won't dwell in the articulation point since it is almost the same as Faiz. Besides I have no qualms in placing him in various fighting and signature poses.

What I would clearly like to point out are the missed details on Kaixa. For example the tips of the fingers should have been painted in silver. Another err in Bandai's part is the visor which should have been in purple and not blue. I share this note with other irate netizens and some have placed the matter in to their hands and amended the compound eyes as it should be.

Shoulder pads feels a little bit tad short. Last thing I would nitpick is the should be yellow lines that crosses all over his body - it is orange-y in this SHF offering.

As a Faiz fan, I'm really disappointed how Kaixa was created. It feels like creating this SHF figure was a rushed job and fans such as moi would definitely see these missed opportunities through and through. In summary, the beauty of the box art doesn't justify the contents inside. Give justice to my 913.






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