The SH Figuarts Ridevendor and Medal Set 17cm tall which means it is propotionate to the other Kamen Rider SH Figuarts toys. Added are the 30 pcs of miniature cell medals Here is the catch, the SH Figuarts Ridevendor doesn't transform into a bike nor will have the medal sounds......
Japan online stores will be pre-ordering SH Figuarts Ridevendor and Medal Set soon the Price costs 2100 yen (not bad) and made available on July 2011. Let me know about what you think.
There is also a rumor that there will be a bike version but as an exclusive. Another way Bandai is milking completists.
There is also a rumor that there will be a bike version but as an exclusive. Another way Bandai is milking completists.
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