I've always looked up to those who can purchase an RAH figure. I was a bit hesitant on getting one because clearly on a few things, first it is too expensive to collect, second the box too huge and I don't have ample shelf space. Currently my so called library is full of SH Figuarts stuff and other non-toku related figs. Actually its the SHFs that is taking a lot of space. But there is one factor that would lure me to even getting one because I am one huge fan - that is Kamen Rider Faiz.
Most of the time when I do reviews, I would start from the box. I would still do this because the art is freaking amazing!. On the front cover, its has Faiz in watercolor which is a first for me. And what freaks me more is that this is only the first cover. The is no stoned unturned, if you take a pic inside that cover, it has another watercolor art inside it. I was told that you can cut this piece and make it into your own diorama, in my case I would not even dare think of it.
As this is my first time to even handle a 1/6 inch scale figure, first reaction was whoohoo! All of the great reviews I've read so far are all true. Well honestly not quite. I understand that this figure should be poseable since there are a lot of articulation points that are akin to a humanoid. In this case, I guess that because of the costume, it hampers a lot and thus cannot be compared to other toy lines like SHFs. The only free moving joint was the neck, it has the flexibility even beyond human conditions.
Posing this figure as a whole can be frustrating for the first timer - especially when standing him up. At least Medicom has included a stand similar to my SIC Cyclone Joker. The joints unfortunately feels brittle and every turn I make a cracking sound. This will dismay to those who wants to maximize the joints and position the figure like for example in Crimson Smash.
Even though I haven't got a hold of the actual fabric that Kamen Rider suit actors wear, I feel that the nylon/cotton clothing is spot on. It's your closest encounter to touching the actual costume. The armor is made up of soft plastic. What I worry are the shoulder pads that are connected on to the chest armor via a thin stretchy nylon. This nylon is very thin and one knick would thread it off from the armor. I wish it could be done better. Another point that bothers me on the suit are the kneecaps that don't follow to the contours when bent. If the legs are twisted in a certain way, the kneecaps gives the illusion that Faiz is bow-legged. As an over all static look, the paint apps are neatly done.
The belt is and has always been the highlight of this set. It has this function that replicated how the DX Faiz Belt would do, however the phone doesn't slide but pegged in. One of the wishlist I hope to see on this is a light up compound eye, that would really justify its original price tag.
I just realized that owning an RAH has more responsibilities of taking care of it than SH Figuarts. Especially, when moving the joints, a RAH or any 1/6 inch scale figure for that matter are fragile. If you break it by accident, it is one expensive piece you own. I think that this "doll" is not meant to be played with but displayed.
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