Extra Extra Extra!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Toy Review: Play Arts Kai Solidus Snake (Metal Gear 25th Anniversary Edition)

Ending 2012 is the release of the MGS Play Arts Kai Solidus Snake. I can remember the time I was playing as Raiden in MGS against Solidus Snake, my last boss fight. That game was awesome and kinda tells a good tale about the turn of the century. I can't pass on Solidus so here I am picking up his Play Arts Kai form. 

It is like having Cyborg Ninja and inject him with steroids and extra arms. He is inclusive of 2 P90 guns 2 extra pairs of hands, the Snake Arms, and the daisho (a Katana and Wakazashi set of blades also named as the "Minshuto" (Democrat) and "Kyowato" (Republican) blades respectively). Holding the 2 P90s is not as organic as how Solid Snake holds rifles. Solidus hands doesn't reach the trigger but leaves the pointing finger near it giving that illusion of actually firing the guns. The scabbards too don't peg that well on the figure so I had to take these out on most of the photos to I can pose the figure better. 

On the photo releases, the Snake Arms seems to have great articulation. But in reality, there are some joints that are almost impossible to move. This means it is going to be an extra effort for collectors to revisit the ye 'ol boiling pot or hair drier to soften its joints. The hands on the Snake Arms don't open and close but it is a function I can let go with. With the arms on, the figure will be top heavy and since Solidus has some weak hip joints, it is hard to pose the figure standing straight without any kind of support attached. So bending the knees is a quick fix.

Again as mentioned previously, Solidus is susceptible to have weak leg joints. Overall, Play Arts Kai provided us with a great representation of Solidus Snake and he is awesome. This IS a must buy for MGS fans. Unless Square enix releases Metal Gear Ray.




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