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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Toy Review: SH Figuarts Shinken Pink

Final SH Figuarts Shinkenger for review - Shinken Pink. Shinken Pink or Mako Shiraishi is in my opinion one of the prettiest Super Sentai in my roster of...whatever :3. Mako represents the older sister everyone is looking for. Chiaki I think is the only one openly acknowledges her position. She provides the level-headed advices and obviously the heart of the team. As Takeru's vassal, this Samurai of the Sky immortalizes her role as the every time Takeru looses control and always mentions to use his heart and mind in decision making.

Shinken Pink has a fair number of weapons on her arsenal. Setting herself apart from other Shinkengers is the Heaven Fan. The fan has a huge sky symbol in the middle of the fan and a noticeable Shiba logo on top. A cute tassel has been molded at the end of the item painted in bronze. Staple three-part skirt accessory is included. The rest includes a shinkenmaru, a shodophone, two kinds of kame (sea turtle) origami and a total of 10 hands, two of which are used for the roll call pose.

Mako's head and shoulders are a bit off (sounds like a shampoo commercial). Her seemingly elongated neck enhances that awkwardness making the shoulders look too low. Since she is a remold of past SHF Shinkengers combined with a female chest piece, forms both a feminine yet stockier look to Shinken Pink. Had been to the gym lately?

Moreover, her head feels wobbly as times. In my own experience working on roll call poses was difficult. It takes time and effort to a point a had to stretch things out and bend the arms to almost cracking her shoulders. Phew. Good thing fighting poses are superbly fun to do. Combine the Shinkenmaru and Heaven Fan forms that aura of femininity and tough chick that is Shinken Pink. Oh, the rest of the joints are just ok. Meaning if by now you have collected all the SHF Shinkenger figures, you are probably familiar with its pros and cons.

Toying around Shinken Pink is just as fun as Yellow. Combining both Shinken females completes your fantasy of creating the roll call or women actually protecting your butt.






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