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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Toy Review: The Wasp (Ant-man and The Wasp)

Bandai is on another Marvel movie to figure adaptation sweep with the Wasp based on the movie Ant-man and the Wasp. In figure form, she has almost the same texture as Ant-man but modified with a separate color scheme and a practical backpack with wings. Wasp, also known as Hope Van Dyne in S.H. Figuarts form, somewhat also has some body type similarities with other female Marvel figures in this line. 

She includes 4 additional hands and a special stage that also acts like a compartment for either the extra hands or for some of the clear Tamashii stage arms. 

In most cases, there is nothing much you can do with the waist and top torso movement as these will continue to look stiff. Other than that, most of the limbs are very flexible since there are no armors or slacks that would hinder poseabilities. Again, it is not an exclusive but given the figure that is somewhat on the expensive side, extra hands and a helmetless Hope Van Dyne, could be more justifiable than just a stage. Still, this is a very nice execution on this scale than other 1/12th scale figures.


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