I've been waiting for this figure to arrive in the Lion City for many weeks now. Patience is a virtue and good things comes to those who wait. I'm excited to get a hand on the SHF Tatoba combo just because I wanted to get Unkh (now I know the real spelling). As per one of my comments from my Youtube subscriber, the name Unkh is from the Hindi word Ankh which means the eye. Bet you didn't know huh? (Am I describing myself?). Is he worth it or forgettable? Let's find out.

Unkh has a clear Tamashii stage with a red shadow of the character and kanji letters which translates to "I don't care about that song", or so I heard LOL. For a limited offering, Unkh is very detailed. The scales, the color and the taka wings blend all together perfectly in one tiny figure...or at least a part of him. Give me a hand here please(bad pun). How he plays with the stand goes with the hole located at the back of the arm, that's it just plug and play. The box design is plain, black and shouts Unhk by those bold characters surrounding the carton. Did I tell you that Unkh fits well in OOO's hand pegs? I didn't notice that until this post.

To be honest, even though I said on the video that I like this limited offering from Bandai (yet I still do), I feel that SHF fanatics who missed getting Unkh may not seem at loss. There are rumors that we will see a completed Unkh form and there will be made an SHF figure (these are just rumors). My point is, because after you had your hands (another bad pun) on Unkh, your next question is...what now?
Ta-to-ba, tatoba TATOBA!!!

Box design is superb, color and change is welcome as long as it deviates from the bland and sad looking previous box design. Bandai finally came to their senses and placed extra moolah just to put color on to the box and for everyone's rainbow delight. One thing though, I couldn't read the Kamen Rider OOO letters. Though its shinny and metal-ish, you can't read Kamen Rider OOO's name from afar. Many would ditch the box design but hey I really like it.

Head articulation may come to a dismay, or it may just a QC problem, but my tatoba's head is loose. At least his neck articulation is tight. The Taka head's jewel is plastic, thank God. Because SHF Eternal's supposed to have a jewel too, instead it had a dot on the forehead. Fluid head articulation as expected.

At the mid section, there are noticeable gaps between the shoulders and the torso which makes the figure have more broad shoulders than any other SHF line. The Taka, Tora Batta symbol in the middle is embossed and very well colored. I see no missed of chipped paint parts. Bravo. The belt is somewhat loose, as long as you don't take it off from the figure it will remain intact. Though I would like to see a adjustable belt in an SHF. Lets see if Bandai would heed my call. The same goes with the OOO scanner, it is very well made and has so much detail for a itsy bitsy accessories, but doesn't hold perfectly on the peg located at the side of the waist.

Leg molds are similar to SHF Kuuga and Agito but with Green lines to signify that it is the Batta legs. Knee caps tend to fall off, again it might be my figure. Feet are held by ball joints and I have stated clearly thoughout my blog that I am not a fan of this. In all fairness, despite the ankle extensions at the sides, the feet does have good reach and bend as if it where on a hinge. I was told again on my Youtube channel that on the previous photos that were leaked online months ago, Tatoba was seen on a hinge and not a ball joint, why the sudden change in design before production baffles me. We will probably won't get a good answer from the manufacturer. If their reason is cost that is BS.

I mentioned earlier about the accessories, it would be faux pas if I don't continue on with the rest. SHF Tatoba came with 5 extra hands - a pair of open hands, holding hands and one specifically for holding the OOO Scanner. The scanner is quite loose but somehow latches securely on the scanner hand. The Medaljalibur is almost close to the DX toy with one hitch, the cell medals have no additional design. Its a small thing that could easily be shoved. There are two longer set of claws to interchange with the default. Nothing spectacular, but these are really sturdy.
I still like the figure as a whole but your enthusiasm after the purchase may trim down and treat it as another SHF CJ. The Unhk hand is free for the first release. In addition it has good grip on the sword except the scanner.
See my video review below:
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