For months I've been speculating that because OOO will be teaming up with Den-o and the Imagins, there should be something crazy Toei is cooking. I was right. Lo and behold, Kamen Rider OOO Tamashii Combo. (scratching my head)

Does Den-o get an upgrade too? Of course, at the bottom we can see him acquiring a flame-shaped sword called the Momotaken. In addition, we can see the young Den-o user all grown up. If you are sick of tired seeing Den-o almost every year, we can't do nothing. It is Toei's decision to have a Den-o movie every spring.
Villain Returns
It is also confirmed that some of the villainous icons are coming back for the movie like Terror Dopant, Ikadebiru, Shocker and many more. Let's Go Kamen Riders opens on April 1 - very fitting.
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